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Our Trust of Schools

Beyond the Curriculum

At QE we believe trips and enrichment activities offer a tremendous amount to our young people. They give them opportunities they wouldn't otherwise have, take them to places they wouldn't otherwise go, enrich the curriculum and allow them to form friendships with students in other year groups.

QE offers a huge number of activities, below is a snapshot of what is on offer:

QE Jazz Band, Ten Tors, Duke of Edinburgh, Surfing, Paddle Boarding, Mountain Biking, QE Theatre Productions, Art Club, Basketball, Football, Rugby, Cricket, Athletics and Chess Club, to name a few.

Trips, clubs and activities are made known to students through the course of the year, via their tutor or class teacher. Where applicable, payments towards these trips/activities can be made via your child’s ParentPay account.

ParentPay login

For further information on Financial support opportunities, towards trips and activities, please visit our QE Educational Foundation webpage