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Our Trust of Schools

Parents Key Information

Queen Elizabeth’s is an ambitious school, dedicated to providing an excellent education that develops knowledge, character, contribution and wisdom.

At Queen Elizabeth’s, we place learning at the heart of everything we do; we are committed to community, the highest standards of care and the best outcomes possible for all.

We are proud to be committed to our community – successful engagement with our community leads to improved outcomes for our students and opening our doors to the community inspires trust. Together we will build a school community which values kindness, good humour and empathy by being respectful, committed and safe. Providing the highest standards of care, safety and wellbeing for everyone in our community is vital. We are clear that each individual’s needs must be met so that they learn successfully. To be successful in an increasingly competitive workplace, it is vital to achieve the best outcomes possible for all. We place learning at the heart of everything we do because learning makes the most significant difference to the progress our students make over their seven years at our school.

• Teaching and learning – this encompasses the taught curriculum, assessment, pedagogy, CPD.

• Leadership – we are committed to improving leadership at all levels; a world class curriculum is a prerequisite for career development, successful participation in society and a fulfilling life.

• Learning climate – creating optimum conditions so that learning can take place in inspiring surroundings without disruption.