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Our Trust of Schools

Report an Absence

Student attendance

A good education can be the cornerstone for future life opportunities. Missing school can leave gaps in knowledge and understanding and also place the student at a disadvantage in both their educational development and potentially in their eventual GCSE success.

We understand that on occasions absence will be unavoidable. However our minimum expectation of attendance is 96%, unless there are justifiable medical reasons, and accompanying evidence for not being able to do so. The aspiration obviously remains 100%.

We are unable to approve holidays during term time, unless there are exceptional or compassionate circumstances.

If your child is ever not able to attend school please contact us before 8:30am on every day of absence to tell us the reason, please just talk to us, we want to help!

Our attendance officers will contact parents/carers who have not informed school of any absence for safeguarding reasons.

You can also message us via MCAS (My Child At School) or complete the form below:

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